Thursday, December 3, 2009

Best Myspace Profile You've Seen?

I'm looking for some ideas to spruce my profile up.

Basically, I'm asking for links to the coolest myspace profile you've seen. Be it yourself, a friend, just someone's profile you've seen and you said to yourself, "Wow, that's nice..!" It can be one of those people with thousands of friends... anybody.

Just post a link to the best profile you've seen...

Best Myspace Profile You've Seen?

i don't know, i used to have myspace and have a cartoon dog picture up and i got like thousand request to be my friend

i thought this is gross and i deelte it forever

Best Myspace Profile You've Seen?

try this one

Best Myspace Profile You've Seen?

My space is for 14 year old girls and pedophiles, which are you. Maybe try meeting people in realty, instead of made up personas in a fictional world. Oh and by the way, Im 16 and have DD breasts...if its on the internet it has to be true

Best Myspace Profile You've Seen?

At first when you said that I thought of a hot singer then I kept reading and realized that's not what you meant. Then I decided that she is a good example because in her blog she has games.

Best Myspace Profile You've Seen? i think u might like this one..

Best Myspace Profile You've Seen?

I have 2 I couldent choose cuz they both my buds..

Best Myspace Profile You've Seen?

By far this one -

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